Friday, September 21, 2012

Grandma's Last Double Wedding Ring Quilt and Mine

I want to talk about my Grandmother's double wedding ring quilts.  She made several of these totally scrappy quilts.  She made one each for her 4 daughters and also some for grandchildren for wedding gifts.  I am the lucky person that got the last one she made. 

Grandma was a totally scrappy girl, she didn't know any other way to quilt.  When Mom would sew for her three girls she would give the left overs to Grandma and many other people did the same so everything she made was scrappy.  When she needed to buy background for the double wedding ring quilts she would buy what the 5 and 10 had on sale.  Needless to say, many of her quilts have not stood the test of time. 

My own wedding quilt fell to pieces many years ago.  I have been married 40 years this past April so I was very happy when I got her last one.,  It is made just like all the other ones she made and so I do not let anyone use the quilt because I do not want it to fall apart.

I have wanted to make my own double wedding ring for several years now. I bought some templates a few years ago and was going to make one from them but never did because the method seemed difficult.  2 years ago I bought the Quiltsmart version of the double wedding ring quilt and have now completed a queen size top.  I have it on the HQ Sixteen to quilt and started the custom quilting on it this week. I am trying to do a row every night after work and other duties.  It is taking quite a bit of time because of the way I am quilting it but I think I will be happy with it when I get done. So I just keep plodding along with it.

I haven't decided what fabric I will use for the binding yet.  I may use the same as the backing or I may make it scrappy. I will show better photos after I get this quilted and the binding on.

I love Scrappy!

1 comment:

  1. So neat that you can carry on your grandma's tradition. Your quilt (and hers) look beautiful!
