Saturday, September 13, 2014

Odds N Ends

There has been a little bit of sewing going on in the Quilt Studio but not all by me.

Jenny, my daughter, has been busy making sun dresses.

This is the second one she has made. It is for Katya. The first one she made was for Elise but I don't have a picture of that one yet.

She has also been making a book bag for Hunter.

At Hunter's school they do not allow back packs so Jenny and Hunter designed this bag and he is very happy.

Things are going well for my recovery so I will be showing some progress I am making in the Quilt Studio later.

1 comment:

  1. You have to catch the 'Imp"ress first! Hunter loves his bag. He told me, "No one can claim it because it's 'custom!''"
