Friday, May 17, 2013

Spring is Here

We had our yearly Garden Party on the 11th and I forgot all about taking pictures. Several years ago I had some shoulder problems and was feeling down in the dumps about not being able to hardly do any yard work to prepare for the summer. I told my husband we should just sell the house and move into a condo where we wouldn't have any yard work to do. His answer was a Garden Party.
Of course our kids saw right through that Garden Party stuff and they know that it is really a Labor Party. They come any way and help us get a big jump start for our 4th of July flag raising.

They plant flowers, vegetables and even do some weeding. Some years they have taken out dead shrubs or trees. Our grand children look forward to this day. The older ones are pros now at planting the flowers.

I have swiss chard that came back up on its own. 

I planted broccoli this year (lower left hand corner of pic. I will see how that goes. The bush beans are also along the back of the house in this picture.

I have two kinds of onions this year, along with 3 tomato plants. I have also planted cucumbers and squash. 

Another new for me is okra. Not sure how that will do but we will see. They are planted on the south side of the house just around the corner of this picture.

On the quilting front I have a couple of items I can't show right now because they are for gifts but I have finished the 3rd patch quilt top as well as working on a leader enders as I sewed the rows together on this top.

This is the third and final patch quilt that is now a top. This one has allot of yellow but it is so nice to use up all of this old fabric. The left overs are going to be cut up into bins.

I am not sure what I am going to do with these but I have a bin full of plaids, strips, and checks left over from another quilt and these need to be used up. Most of these are shirts from my husband. They are 2 1/2 inch squares.

These are not all I have in 2 1/2 inch squares. I have two drawers of dark and one of light that need to be stitched up. I also have red, white and blue 2 1/2 inch squares that need to be made into a Quilt of Valor.

I have also been busy sewing together bits and pieces of batting. I hope to have at least one to fit the patch tops I have ready now. I am sewing these on my old Kenmore.

My last picture for today is about my Kenmore/Janome embroidery machine. I had it at Sears for a repair since April 5th. I finally got it back on Monday, the 13th of May. I was not very happy about how long it took them. I had called and called. It had been repaired for almost 2 weeks and it still had not been delivered to the store I had dropped it off at. Not good!

But she is home now and I am happy! Well enough for today, see you next week.

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