Friday, December 13, 2013

Celtic Solstice Part 1

I am finally feeling a bit better from my pneumonia and have some energy to do some things. I am still coughing but I still feel better than I did last week. I have been working very hard in the quilt studio. It feels good to clean up in there and get a few things decided and done.

I cut the pieces for Celtic Solstice early this week.

I have sewed and sewed and finally completed this part. I carefully cut and sewed these but still I had to trim just a bit. I probably would have been fine not trimming but this way I know everything will fit properly.
I am linking up with Bonnie at Quiltville.

While I was trimming for the Mystery quilt I trimmed my Smith Mountain Majesties quilt units that are the same block with blue and brown for the wings. I have been working on this quilt for a while now.

I have also prepared the small border for this quilt so as soon as I put it on the top I can add these for the pieced border.

I have loaded a charity quilt and started the quilting. I also have backing for another charity quilt ready so I can get these two quilts finished and send them out the door.

I have cut all the pieces for Part 2 of Celtic Solstice and will now draw the lines on the white and yellow squares. I plan to have these done by next week before Part 4 comes out.
I read Part 3 this morning. Wow, those are tiny half squares. I just need to concentrate on what I can do and not get discouraged by what is ahead of me. It is the journey not the end that I need to enjoy.

With so much down time the last two weeks I have spent some time embroidering my flowers. I have finished Miss Crocus and I am almost done with Miss Canterbury Bell.

So I will sign off for now and talk again next week.


  1. I stopped by to see your progress on the CS mystery, but I have to say that I'm completely smitten by Miss Crocus. I adore new embroidery with vintage-style patterns. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ha! I remember TriChem, I'm (mumble) years old myself. I'm with you, I much prefer hand embroidery to the 1960-something fad.

  2. Ms. Crocus is adorable! I am not started on Clue 3 yet and have just a few done of Clue 1 and 2. Never been this far behind before, but I'm playing the "its not a race" card.
