Saturday, July 26, 2014

Other Things on the Homefront

I have been busy with other things besides quilting stuff in the Quilt Studio. I am making jelly roll skirts for my grand daughters.

This is Aurora and she picked out all the fabrics for her skirt. She is so happy.

She really wanted the bottom fabric because it looks like flames. She likes the bright and unusual and has asked for this fabric ever since she first saw it last year.

Sophia and Liliya have chosen their fabrics and now I need to get busy to cut and sew them up.

My garden is growing very tall. At least the tomato plants are. They are as tall as me.

Of course I am not very tall, 5' 5" but I have gotten the first tomato off of these plants and it was wonderful!

I have also picked the first acorn squash off this plant.

This plant looks pretty good even though it is right up next to the air conditioner.

I hope this squash is ripe. It looks like it is but time will tell.

Well, enough for this week.

1 comment:

  1. I have several acorn squash that look ready to pick also - I didn't think they would be ready until fall. My tomatoes did very poorly this year - last year my plants looked like yours do but I had very little tomatoes on them!
